Every Dot Counts: Noteworthy ways to teach place value
Sessions 1 & 2: Grades K-2
Every child deserves to have meaningful learning opportunities. Math is a subject often classified by its rigid rules and static process to find one correct answer. However, teaching math, specifically numbers and place value, through arts integration helps children make natural connections, resulting in more than one way to make learning meaningful and memorable. Come experience place value explored through music, dance, drama, and visual arts, and see the results of action research in a first grade classroom.
Emily Soderborg
Emily Soderborg loves getting to work with students of all ages from early childhood through upper elementary and beyond. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Music Education from Brigham Young University (Provo, UT) and a Master’s Degree in Music Education from Northwestern University (Evanston, IL). She has been a full-time K-6 music specialist, a school-wide STEAM arts-integration specialist, an early childhood music educator, and is currently a BYU arts professional development partner. One of her greatest joys in teaching is finding ways to help students make meaningful connections between subjects and their own lives to increase their learning capacity.
Lisa Garner
Lisa Garner teaches first grade at Edgemont Elementary School in Provo. She has an Arts Integration Endorsement and has had extensive training in integration through CITES at BYU since 2011. Her classroom has been a STEAM classroom since 2016 with an emphasis in the arts. She is a firm believer in the benefits to the children. She appreciates what the process of collaboration with colleagues and students has done to enlighten her practice and enrich the lives of her students as well as her own! She is the recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Arts Integration Educator Sorenson Legacy Award in the State of Utah.