Preparing a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
- Choose an alternative completing behavior
- Select positive reinforcement that works for your child
- Determine negative consequences

- Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is proactive, and sets your child up for success rather than just giving consequences!
- PBS requires that changes in the behavior of those who work with your child, instead of expecting just your child to change.
Replace the Problem Behavior with an Alternative Competing Behavior
- Teach a new behavior that is more socially acceptable
- The new behavior should match the function of the challenging behavior
- The alternative competing behavior can't be physically done at the same time as the challenging behavior
- The alternative competing behavior should be: efficient, effective, and relevant.
Positive Reinforcement
Food (Examples)
- Cheetos
- Teddy Grahams
- Dry cereal marshmallows
Activities (Examples)
- Blow bubbles
- Play with toy from positive reinforcement toy box
- Activate simple action toy
- Choose a sports card from a hat (one at a time)
- Shoot a basketball
- Play dress up for 3 minutes
- Watch favorite video for 5 minutes
Negative Consequences
You may choose to give a negative consequence that is not harmful to your child, but usually when you provide appropriate supports to prevent the behavior from happening and reinforce your child with natural positive consequences, negative consequences are not needed. Examples of negative consequences include:
- Toy "time out" (Don't put the child in a "time out" area, but put his favorite toy in the time out area, for a certain amount of time).
- Suspend privileges for the day only. Don't use coercive consequences.
Record the Process
- Problem Behavior: Tantrum
- Alternative Competing Behavior: Matthew uses picture communication folder with his morning schedule. Mom gives Matthew his medicine as soon as he wakes up. Mom hugs Matthew. Mom goes into Matthew's room when talking to him.
- Positive Reinforcement: 30 seconds of toy time for each task completed on the pictures folder as well as high rates of praise.
- Negative Consequences: After 1 warning - Matthew's toy is put in the toy time out basket until he completes the next task (only needs to complete one).