Field experiences are essential in the professional preparation of school psychologists. Practica and internships promote mastery of specific skills essential for school psychologists.


Practica provide initial experience in school psychology functions in K–12 educational settings. Students become familiar with professional roles, develop professional competencies, and apply their knowledge of legal, ethical, and practical implications of becoming school psychologists.

When: Practica are during the second fall and winter semesters and spring term for 10 hours per week, totaling a minimum of 300 clock-hours.

Where: Practica experiences take place in elementary and secondary school settings.

Related Courses Include: CPSE 602, 609, 610, 612, 614, 657 and 678R; directed readings; field experience; and individual and group supervision.

Supervision: Practicum students work alongside school-based practitioners in a scaffolded experiential learning opportunity. Practicum supervisors provide ongoing weekly supervision.


The internship is the culminating experience in the program and is designed to be a closely supervised, comprehensive experience. Interns integrate acquired knowledge, applied skills, and problem-solving abilities to promote a positive educational environment.

Prerequisites: Must have completed 64 graduate course hours (minimum) and 300 clock-hours of supervised practicum. Students must successfully defend their thesis prospectus before applying for an internship.

When: The internship is during the third year of training and is 1,200 hours.

Where: Internships take place in elementary and secondary school settings.

Responsibilities: Interns provide a broad range of school psychological services for diverse populations with a wide range of presenting problems. They consult with teachers, administrators, families, and students to improve outcomes for students using research-based strategies.

Compensation: The intern typically receives a stipend or salary & benefits from the school district during this year of service.

Supervision: Weekly, the interns receive two hours of face-to-face planned supervision from a licensed school psychologist, with a minimum of three years of experience and weekly group supervision from a university supervisor.