Charlton, Cade, PhD, Utah State University, 2016. Assistant Professor. BCBA. Applied behavior analysis, collaboration, functional assessment & intervention, identifying empirically-supported practices & designing organizational supports for implementation with fidelity in Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS).

Cutrer-Párraga, Beth, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2016. Assistant Professor. School-based literacy interventions, bibliotherapy, multicultural education issues in special education, qualitative methods.

Hansen, Blake, PhD, University of Kansas, 2010. Associate Professor. Assessment & intervention for problem behaviors exhibited by children with autism, emotional/behavioral disorders, applied behavior analysis, language & literacy, interdisciplinary collaboration.

Kellems, Ryan, PhD, University of Kansas, 2010. Associate Professor. Use of augmented reality (AR) & live animation to teach skills to individuals with disabilities, video modeling, assessment & evaluation of students with exceptional needs, education & multicultural issues in special education, curriculum & instruction for secondary students.

Morris, Jared, PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 2019. Assistant Professor. Applied behavior analysis, Instructional practices and interventions to increase academic engagement in students with Autism and students with learning disabilities, using explicit instruction and technology, including video modeling, augmented reality, and virtual reality, to teach academic content to individuals with disabilities.

Sabey, Christian, PhD, Utah State University, 2015. Associate Professor. School based behavior interventions, behavior analysis, supports for students with emotional/behavioral disorders, supporting teachers of students with EBD, evidence-based practice, ethics, and meta-analysis.

Taylor, Tina, EdD, Illinois State University, 1995. Professor. Family issues in raising children with disabilities, children's literature related to disabilities, assistive technology & augmented/alternative communication, social & emotional strategies for students with disabilities, collaboration with schools & families, thesis support.