Below is a list of all required courses with their credit hours and the sequence in which they are offered. Most courses build on previous courses and prepare students for increasingly involved roles in field experiences.
Change Approval: Faculty approval must be obtained when
situations prevent students from registering for the proper sequence of
First Year
Fall Semester
CPSE 605 Ethics, Professional Roles and Standards (3cr)
CPSE 646
Counseling Theory and Interventions (3cr)
CPSE 649 Human Growth and
Development (3cr)
CPSE 651 Statistics I (3cr)
*CPSE 699 Thesis Course (2cr)
Winter Semester
CPSE 604 Psycho-educational Foundations in School Psychology (2cr)
607 Bilingual Assessment – term (1.5cr)
CPSE 611 Special Education Law –
term (1.5cr)
CPSE 613 Autism - Winter (1cr)
CPSE 629 Intro to
Research (3cr)
CPSE 647 Psychometric Foundations and Assessment of
Intelligence (4cr)
Spring Semester
CPSE 622 Learning Theories (3cr)
CPSE 655 Crises Intervention (3cr)
677 Clinic-Based Practicum (1cr)
*Thesis Credits in addition to Thesis Course First Year in Fall (4cr)
Second Year
Fall Semester
CPSE 602 Child/Adoles. Social/Emotional Assessment & Intervention (4cr)
610 Consultation with School and Family (3cr)
CPSE 614 Behavioral
Assessment and Intervention (3cr)
CPSE 678R Practicum in School
Psychology (2cr)
Winter Semester
CPSE 608 Bio Basis of Behavior (3cr)
CPSE 620 Academic Assessment and
Intervention (3cr)
CPSE 657 Counseling in Schools (2cr)
Practicum in School Psychology (2cr)
CPSE 751 DEI & Belonging in
Counseling (3cr)
Spring Semester
CPSE 678R Practicum in School Psychology (1cr)
Third Year
Fall Semester
CPSE 688R Internship in School Psychology (2cr)
Winter Semester
CPSE 688R Internship in School Psychology (2cr)
Spring Semester
CPSE 688R Internship in School Psychology (2cr)