
If you would like to get involved with volunteer opportunities serving Northern Utah, please consider the following options:

Practica (6 total credits)

A practica experiences are required for all students in the special education program. Conducted at a local school, students get a full teaching experience prior to their student teaching or internship experience. Practicum involves the following experiences:

  • Prior to student teaching, students will complete practica experiences during their first academic year in the program.
  • Students develop schedules, learn teaching procedures, and develop evaluation strategies to examine the quality of supports provided to their students.
  • Practica experiences fully immerses students in teaching experiences with the members of their cohort, university supervisors, and mentor teachers.

Student Teaching (12 credits)

  • Applications are due by January 15. Application info and links provided by the Education Advisement Center.
  • Must be at school at least one half hour before school starts and one half hour after school ends, or during the district contract hours, whichever is longer.
  • Student teachers are required to teach full days for one semester and log hours.
  • Allowed to miss up to 3 days for illness/emergency, but must still notify the cooperating teacher and university supervisor.
  • Student teachers must make up time missed.
  • If absent, student teacher is required to provide the cooperating teacher with lesson plans and necessary materials for instructing pupils.

Student teachers who desire exceptions to this policy must submit requests in writing to the BYU special education faculty, and the faculty must come to a joint agreement in order for the exception to be granted.


Please access from this page (not a download or directly to the PDF) as any updates will replace the previous version here.


Forms webpage

CPSE Program: Contact Information

For additional information about the Special Education program, please contact one of the following individuals:

Christian Sabey, PhD, Program Coordinator
Special Education
340-K MCKB
(801) 422-8361

Barbara Smith, EdD, Practicum & Student Teaching Experience Coordinator
Special Education
340-M MCKB
(801) 422-8396